Admission Requirements of ICCS Undergraduate Program(for Bachelor’s Degree)
Two majors: 1. Chinese Language (with two research orientations: Language Education, Tourism Culture) 2. Chinese Language and Culture (with two research orientations: Business Chinese, Chinese Language and Culture) Admission Requirements: 1. With the graduation certificate of senior high school or above, 2. With according certificate of Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), 3. With the following requirements according to different grades, (1) Grade One - Freshman Applicants should have got New HSK Level 4 certificate (score over 180). Audition students are required to have the same Chinese level. (2) Grade Two - Sophomore Applicants should have got New HSK Level 4 certificate (score over 210) and should have the academic transcripts of 40 credits and certificates of one year’s studying provided by a university or college. (3) Grade Three - Junior Applicants should have got New HSK Level 5 certificate (score over 180) and should have the academic transcripts of 80 credits and certificates of two years’ studying provided by a university or college. 4. Should pass the admission test of ICCS, SHNU. Time of admission test: 9:00 am on Sept. 10; Place: Room 317, Nandalou Note: New applicants may apply for Shanghai Municipal Government Scholarship (Class B: RMB 20,000 per student per year). Registered formal undergraduates in ICCS may apply for Shanghai Municipal Government Scholarship (Class C: RMB 5,000 per student per year). ICCS students are free of application fee when applying for the undergraduate program. For detailed information, please visit ICCS website
Application period: from May 7 to July 30 Application place: Room 204, ICCS Tel.: 64322452 E-mail:
International College of Chinese Studies, Shanghai Normal University May 2012
상해사범대학교 대외중국어대학 본과 (유학생) 입학안내
1. 중국어 (세부전공:중국어교육, 관광문화) 2. 중국언어문화 (세부전공:비즈니스중국어, 중국언어문화)
입학자격: 1. 고등학교 혹은 이상 졸업, 졸업증명서 성적증명서 제출 2. 해당한 HSK증서 및 성적증명서 제출 3. 신청 학년에 따라 아래 해당 자격에 부합 ●본과1학년 가. 1학년: HSK4급 180점 이상 증서 및 성적증명서 제출 나. 1학년 조건부: HSK4급 정도 수준의 중국어 경력 및 성적증명서 제출
●본과2학년 편입생 가. HSK4급 210점 이상 증서 및 성적증명서 제출(시독생HSK4급 195점 이상) 나. 정규 대학교 재학 1년, 만 40학점 이수, 재학증명서 및 성적증명서 제출
●본과3학년편입생 가. HSK5급 180점 이상 증서 및 성적증명서 제출 (시독생HSK4급 210점 이상) 나. 정규 대학교 재학 2년, 만 80학점 이수, 재학증명서 및 성적증명서 제출
4. 이상 자격 해당자는 입학 종합시험 참가 후 성적 합격 시 입학 가능 입학시험: 9월10일 9:00 南大楼 317